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All submissions should include elements of mystery, suspense, intrigue, and originality. 


Fiction and Nonfiction Short Stories

500-3,000 words

Should be submitted in .doc or .docx formats.



3-45 lines

Should be submitted in .doc or .docx format



Images no smaller than 5 by 7 

Minimum of 300 dpi

Should be submitted in .jpg, .tif, or .pdf (.jpeg preferred) 



Should be in a scanned, digital format

Images no smaller than 5 by 7 

Minimum of 300 dpi 


All submissions should be emailed to as an attachment. Include your name, contact information, and a short three- sentence bio in the body of your email.


Example Bio: Maya is a senior English major from the University of Amazing and her artistic inspiration comes from her experience working with endangered species in Africa. Upon her return she joined several organizations that work to save the animals she saw in Africa. She also wants to share all that she leared and saw through some of the photographs she took. The Cloak Review is just one way that she wants to get the word out about endangered species through artistic expression. 


Email with questions about the length and deadline.


Please limit submissions to unpublished material. You will be notified on the status of your submission in around two weeks. 


Submission deadline is November 10th. 

Click here for a downloadable version of the submission guidelines:

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