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Book designers use colors, fonts, photos, illustrations, shapes, and formats to create a work of art that will represent someone’s book. These separate elements can come together and create a powerful marketing tool that will help sell a writers hard work.
The starting point begins with a photo or idea from an author that will eventually lead to the final product. Several covers will have to be made before you reach the end of the creative process and some trial and error. What a designer essentially does is bring an authors book to life in a way that other people can see and appreciate. Whether they are working freelance or with a publishing company which can make the process of cover creating a little different, the idea is still the same. 
Working freelance means that you are in charge of what covers you decide to make and have your own website and pool of clients instead of working for a company that tells you what to create. 

What do book designers do?

How do you become one?

You do not have to love books to become a book cover designer but it is probably what will keep you from being the best designer you can be. Being able to read the book you are designing for could help you a lot when thinking about design options. Creating a cover that does not match the story can be frustrating for the readers. I know I don't like it when the cover does not accurately depict what it is that I am reading. 


Book cover designers need to be able to use the Adobe programs Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign to be successful. Unfortunately these programs can take a long time to master because they are so complex. Learning these programs will get you one step closer to becoming a cover designer. Some of the tutorials I provide on this site are a great way to get started!


There are a few traits and skills that it would be beneficial to have or cultivate if you want to be a cover designer. You need to be able to communicate since you will be talking with the author regarding what ideas he/she has for their book. Being able to take criticism is another big trait that you need because not all of your covers will be liked. Organization is another skill that you should have because you might have multiple projects at the same.  


​After reading multiple designers interviews it seems as if the job of Book Cover Designer just fell into their laps- they didn't go looking for it. What they all had in common was a background in design and a working knowledge of how to use the Adobe programs. This is what helped them to get the job of cover designer which is why I suggest that people start off with having a solid background in design (most likely from college) and at least know how to use Photoshop and InDesign. 

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